9/16 financial Results by Business Segment (3 months)
Financial results by segment show that net sales were 84,060 million yen in the electronic components segment, which is 16.5% lower than the previous year and 10.3% lower than the third quarter. Segment income was 1,084 million yen, up 10.5% compared to the previous year but down 50.2% compared to the third quarter. In the information equipment segment, net sales were 13,677 million yen, up 14.3% compared to the previous year and up 39.3% compared to the third quarter. Segment income was 853 million yen, up 50.4% compared to the previous year and up 261.6% compared to the third quarter. In the software segment, net sales were 990 million yen, up 6.1% compared to the previous year and up 117.3% over the third quarter. Segment income was 226 million yen, up 81.4% compared to the previous year. This segment had a 37 million yen loss in the third quarter, but returned to the black in the fourth quarter. In the Others segment, net sales were 6,085 million yen, up 12.9% compared to the previous year and up 45.4% compared to the third quarter. Segment income was 87 million yen, up 17% over the previous year and down 16.4% compared to the third quarter.