Net sales increased significantly in the fiscal year ended in March 2020 due in part to earnings contributions from the consolidation of Fujitsu Electronics. Both operating income and ordinary income exceeded the previous forecasts and reached new highs. Net income decreased due to the elimination of gains on negative goodwill recorded in the previous fiscal year and the return of our tax obligations to normal levels, as well as losses on the valuation of shareholdings, among other factors. As the novel coronavirus outbreak spread in the January-March quarter, production was temporarily suspended at some plants, including in China, but the Group’s concerted efforts to minimize the impact resulted in earnings that surpassed our plans. The year-end dividend will be increased from the initial forecast of 30 yen per share with a special dividend of 10 yen per share for 40 yen per share. When combined with the 30-yen interim dividend, the annual dividend will total 70 yen per share.
Moving on to an overview of the main segments, in the electronic components segment, the EMS business showed strong performance throughout the year in the areas of medical equipment and automotive devices. In the components sales business, the closing of the Cypress business also made a significant contribution. In the information equipment segment, the PC product sales business grew by capturing demand from the switchover to Windows 10. The housing-related home electronic appliances business remained weak, and the commercial facilities-related LED installation business was also sluggish due to a lull in large-lot demand.
Due to the spread of novel coronavirus infection, it is difficult at this stage to make reasonable calculations for our earnings forecasts for the fiscal year ending in March 2021, so this forecast as well as that for the dividend are undecided at this time.