2/9 Response to the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infection


The first topic is about COVID-19. At the previous briefing in May, we explained the situation at that time. In this slide, we have updated the situation during April and September. In Japan, our sales offices were based on teleworking or staggered working hours. Overseas, according to the instructions of governments and agencies, employees continued sales activities with safety first, partly using telecommuting. In this table, we summarized the rate of office attendance in Japan. Until May, when the Declaration of a State of Emergency was lifted, this rate was kept to 30% or less, and subsequently kept to 40% to 50% from June onward. From October, when there was a spread phase again, we directed that the attendance rate in the metropolitan areas around Tokyo and Osaka should be around 40%, and that the attendance rate in other areas should be 50% or so. During April and September, there was one infected employee at the Kaga Electronics Headquarters in August, and one at a Group company in September. There has been no infected person thereafter. On the other hand, our production bases in Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia continued their production activities without having to suspend operations. However, as described in the slide, our plants in China, Malaysia, Vietnam, and etc., suspended operations in accordance with the lockdown triggered by the government of each country. Currently, the production activities are continuing at all sites while implementing safety measures. At overseas business bases, we had one infected person in the Czech Republic in April and two in Mexico in July. There have been reports on several infection cases in the Czech Republic, Mexico, and Turkey amid the renewed spread of COVID-19 in Europe and North America. At the Kaga Group companies, both in Japan and overseas, employees of course wash hands and mouths and use hand sanitizers. In addition, we measure body temperatures of employees and visitors at the time of entry into buildings. At our plants, we are working to prevent the spread of infections by establishing sanitizing showers, production lines with proper social distancing, and boundaries at employee dining halls to prevent contact between employees. So far, we had only separate cases of infections, and have had no cluster infections.